a. “PRE-CLINICAL RESEARCH TO DEVELOP EFFECTIVE THERAPIES FOR RARE DISEASES”. https://www.ejprarediseases.org/index.php/general-information-jtc2020/
b. New Horizon 2020 projects to develop diagnostic tools and therapies for Rare Diseases
11 new collaborative research and innovation projects kicked off as the result of the Horizon 2020 calls for proposals in 2017 focussing on New therapies for rare diseases (SC1-PM-08-2017) and Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases (SC1-PM-03-2017). Over €77 million of EU contribution was committed in total to these projects involving 123 organisations including universities, hospitals, foundations, SMEs and patient organisations across the EU. Many of these projects link with the recently established European Reference Networks. For more information follow the link. https://ec.europa.eu/research/health/pdf/factsheets/factsheet_rare_diseases.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none
c. Generet call 2020. http://www.generetaward.be/index.html
Philosophy Of The Fund Generet: To support research on rare diseases to better understand the processes (causes and mechanisms) underpinning rare diseases and translating fundamental discoveries into better prevention, diagnosis or treatment for patients.
Goals Of The Call: To support a top researcher in Belgium with outstanding scientific achievements who has already developed or is willing to develop a research line in rare diseases.